Course curriculum

    1. 1 minute platform navigation

    2. Welcome to leading with PRISM

    3. Programme overview - what will you gain, and what are the learning methods?

    1. Module 1 - here's what's in store

    2. What is PRISM and why is it different?

    3. PRISM Foundations

    4. Exploring the PRISM colours

    5. Interpreting your map

    6. Test Your PRISM Knowledge

    7. Workbook - Module 1

    8. What makes a great leader?

    9. Three aspects of leadership

    10. Situational Leadership

    11. What is my PRISM leadership style?

    12. How should you be spending your time?

    13. Why is it important to manage your time and energy?

    14. Are you an early bird or a night owl, and why does it matter?

    15. Time Management Toolkit

    1. Links and further reading

    2. Time Management Templates

    3. Working Styles Questionnaire

    1. Welcome to Module 2 - here's what's in store

    2. Before we begin... what do you want to gain from this module?

    3. Workbook - Module 2

    4. What do your team members need from you?

    5. PRISM guess the Profile activity and PRISM case studies

    6. The New Senior Manager - Quick Quiz

    7. Communicating with PRISM

    8. Exploring your team's preferences

    9. Adapting your Leadership style to meet individual needs

    10. Four Conversations

    11. Coaching toolkit introduction

    12. Questioning and listening

    13. Focus on feedback

    14. Performance conversations - reviewing Susie and Mark. VIDEO 1.

    15. Performance conversations - reviewing Susie and Mark. VIDEO 2.

    16. Performance conversations - reviewing Susie and Mark. VIDEO 3.

    17. Module learning review

    1. Communication check-in poll (template link)

    2. Download - Ideas for inclusive remote-working practices for leaders

    3. Coaching preparation template

    4. FUEL coaching template

    1. Welcome to Module 3 - here's what's in store

    2. Workbook - Module 3

    3. What is the 1% factor?

    4. Do you have a dysfunctional team?

    5. What links motivation to high performance?

    6. PRISM colours and building teams

    7. Exploring Trust

    8. How resilient are you?

    9. The balance of managing under pressure - 6 steps to help your team thrive

About this course

  • £497.00
  • 71 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Pricing options

You can complete this course by yourself, at a time and pace that suits you, or learn with others. Gather a group of colleagues and learn collaboratively.

What questions will this programme answer?

This practical programme is based around the 4 core pillars of managing people, and will help you to answer the following questions

  • What is my leadership style and how should I adapt it?

  • What does my team really need from me?

  • What are my behavioural strengths and blindspots

  • How do I lead people so they are engaged and develop their potential?

  • What's the best way to support people through change?

Are you interested in a more bespoke version of this programme?

We can tailor the content for your organisation, adding on additional 1:1 coaching and group workshops to enable collaboration and meet your unique needs and budget.

Bonus material

In addition to lifetime access to the content in all four module, discount on future programmes and products, you will also receive

  • PRISM Foundation profile

    In your welcome email, we'll include a link to complete an online questionnaire which will generate your unique PRISM profile. Refer to this throughout the programme to bring your learning to life by discovering your behavioural preferences and blindspots.

  • Bonus material

    Each module includes optional bonus material such as templates, questionnaires, links to books and other resources to continue your learning journey as you wish.

  • PRISM deep dive

    You'll also have access to a range of additional material about PRISM. From exploring the Neuroscicene behind this model to practical guides to help you apply your new PRISM learning in difference situations.